Hello everybody!
Thank you for playing and commenting on our game. We are excited to release this latest update as we continue our development process. This release was focused on updating our ladder and matchmaking. To get a good test of the new systems, all players Bronze League and above have been reset to Bronze League. With that, here are the details, thanks!
Feature Updates
Leagues, Ladder, and Matchmaking
- We overhauled the matchmaking system to create better matches across all leagues and skill ratings. The system will now search longer before matching with an AI opponent, and once the user has reached Platinum League and higher they will never match with an AI opponent at all.
- Users now lose as many trophies as they win starting in Gold League (previously this started in Platinum).
- We updated how trophies are handed out after matches, so that the rewards more accurately reflect the differences in the starting trophy values entering the match.
Mythic Rank
- We have introduced Mythic Rankings! Reach the Mythic League to track your progress. Can you become number 1 in the world?
Game System Changes
- We have added high-value challenges that reward 500 gold or a pack for completion.
Quality of Life Improvements
We have updated the crafting UX and flow to make the system clearer.
- You are now able to inspect and directly request Anima and Essences.
- Updated the crafting materials tab in the collection.
- Updated the crafting UI.
- There is now a preview of what duplicates will be recycled when you recycle.
"New" Flag
- The NEW flag on cards is automatically cleared when you navigate away from the collection. (No more having to inspect every card!)
Show / Hide Arena button on Draft UI
- During a match, there is now a button to toggle the draft UI on and off so you can see the battlefield while making your choices.
Turn Count on Lands
- Inspecting lands in battle will now display the current turn count.
Card and Gameplay Changes
- Mastermind Lazav now transforms the same turn he is added to your hand.
“Knock, knock.”
“Who’s the—"
“Sneaky Haste Zo-Zu!”
We found that the fun part of the card is when Lazav disguises himself, so we no longer require players to wait a turn for this to happen. Now he will instantly disguise upon being added to hand or drawn!
- Magnum Opus replaces Mizzium Monstrosity.
Mizzium Monstrosity part 2: electric boogaloo, is being brought to a storm mage Planeswalker near you! This is another step in making Ral’s tools more satisfying to build and play with. There are many creatures that reward you for playing spells, but it is difficult to play with many of them or you run the risk of not having enough spells in your deck to experience those benefits. We didn’t want Mizzium Monstrosity to get crowded out and we wanted it to play nicely with other cool spell synergy creatures, so we’re giving the best of both worlds with the new Magnum Opus! But all of that power comes with a cost: beware having too many creatures and trying to summon a Monstrosity to a full board! Since it is now summoned by a spell, it cannot replace existing creatures.
Bug Fixes
Fixes included in this release for notable issues.
- Resolved several issues that would occur if the user switched between wifi and mobile data while in game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a player to incorrectly be given a loss when rejoining a game where their opponent had already conceded.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Deck Showcase featured deck to become "stuck" and stop refreshing after all the decks in the list had been viewed once.
- Added additional suggested decks to the Deck Showcase.
- Fixed an issue that could cause foil signature artifacts to display their title font incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the fade to white when entering battle to last too long on low end devices.
- Removed the "Are you Sure" pop-up from the Daily Deals store to make the flow smoother.
- Team name and badge now correctly appears on the VS and Victory screens.
- Resolved several issues that could cause pink textures to appear on cards in the collection.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing users from inspecting cards after rejoining a match in progress.
- Fixed several places where card VFX were resolving on the wrong side of the board when played by the opponent.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Recycle Cards reward VFX to play twice.
- Vin’s announcer call outs should now respect master volume levels.
- Card previews on iOS no longer have a graphical glitch.
- Fixed several more errors that could appear when Gideon triggered Lead the Charge.
- Grave Titan will now correctly summon Zombies when attacking with Gideon.
- Fixed an issue where War Boars that were buffed in hand would lose their buffs when played.
- The buff visual effect from Rampaging Boar will now correctly only play once.
- Fixed an issue where if Ral triggered Storm Conduit with an empty hand and then added a spell to hand it would not receive the discount.
- Fixed several places where Vin’s "Not Enough Mana" error message would play incorrectly.
- Cards that have had their stats increased in hand now correctly display "buff" visual effects.
- Improved the display of buffed and de-buffed attack and health on creatures.
- Improved the responsiveness when arming or disarming a trap.
- Creatures granted buffs in hand now appropriately show the values as buffed when they are played.
- Upgrades and mode choices will no longer display a 0 mana cost.
- Fixed several places where incorrect keyword tooltips were showing up on cards when inspected.
- Relentless creatures returning to the arena will now correctly trigger on summon abilities.
- On death abilities will correctly be triggered when a creature with relentless dies and is returned to the battlefield.
- Fixed several issues with Frost Titan’s stun effect wearing off at the wrong times.
- Retaliate can now correctly target creatures whose blocker was killed by Opening Salvo.
- Fallen Angel can now correctly target and destroy creatures with 0 or negative power.
- Flying granted by Arcane Flight will no longer be removed when targeting that creature with Aven Tour Guide.
- Fixed an issue where creatures that summon copies of themselves granted ward by on summon effects like Deep-Forest Arena would have their ward never wear off.
- Resolved an crash caused by triggering traps generated by Sphinx of Riddles.
- Fixed a bug where Active Volcano’s damage was not in sync with its VFX and could over-damage creatures wasting shots.
- Counterfeiter’s stolen cards will now correctly have buffs like Epitome of Might and Multiverse Mind.
- Fixed an issue where the mill visuals would only play once when attacking with two copies of Naga Rogue.
- A Breaching Serpent generated from cards like Neurobot will now correctly track its mana discount.
- Sinister Southpaw’s debut will now correctly be redirected by Under My Watch.
- Resolved a case where relentless creatures sacrificed by Sinister Southpaw would return without summoning sickness.
- Fixed an issue where Gravedigger and Fearsome Return would not correctly reanimate creatures if they were created and added to the user’s hand after creatures had died.
- Panharmonicon used on a Gravedigger will now correctly remove the creature from the graveyard and not create a copy.
- The visual effect for Fatal Infection will now correctly show up on flying creatures.
- Ghitu Embermage’s ability will no longer trigger if she is killed by the spell.
- Liliana’s Goliath’s ability will trigger correctly when returned to hand by Gravedigger.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Mana Short not to trigger correctly unless it was disarming a trap.
- Infectious Scorpion now will correctly show up in game history when played.
- Creatures with relentless will no longer improperly summon copies with Blessed Rebirth.